
奥巴马西装门 奥巴马西装门 浅黄色西装被狂吐槽

2014年9月2日 17:49:48   阅读(1615)

奥巴马遭遇西装门 美媒抨击其浅色西装

Russia invades Ukraine, Isis rampages through the Middle East.俄罗斯“入侵”乌克兰,恐怖组织“伊拉克和沙姆伊斯兰国”(ISIS)的暴行威胁整个中东。


President Barack Obama had a lot to comment on as his international policy of "reflection then action" came under fire once more as Vladimir Putin continued to ignore US warnings and as Islamic State militants killed over 150 troops captured in Syria.在8月28日的新闻发布会上,美国总统奥巴马谈及一系列问题,包括曾提出的“反思后行动”政策再次遭炮轰,俄总统普京继续无视美国警告,伊斯兰恐怖分子杀害在叙利亚被俘的超150支军队。


However, as Obama entered the White House briefing room on Thursday, his choice of suit - opting for a tan colour rather than the usual blue or black number - became the key talking point. Well, for Twitter that is.但是,平时总穿深色西装的奥巴马总统在当天的发布会上,意外地身着浅黄色西装出现。从他一进白宫简报室的门开始,他的西装立刻成为热议话题,至少成为了推特上的吐槽热点。


Instantly, Obama's book titles and political slogans became ripe for suit puns. "The audacity of taupe" was popular, a play on Obama's book The Audacity of Hope, while "Yes we tan" did the rounds as the president's famous 2008 catchphrase came back to haunt him. It even spawned several parody Twitter accounts.很快,奥巴马的书名以及竞选口号等都被网友疯狂吐槽:书名《无畏的希望》被吐槽为“无畏的浅黄色”,2008年著名的竞选口号“我们能做到”被吐槽为“我们是浅黄色”。甚至还催生出几条恶搞的推特账号。


Others noted that the attention on Obama's tan threads gave him a taste of what Hillary Clinton had to go through during the 2008 Democratic primaries, when her trouser suits were frequently commented on more than her policies.有人称这次大家对奥巴马西装的吐槽让他尝到了2008年民主党初选时希拉里·克林顿所经历的苦头,当时希拉里的西装裤比她提出的政策更“受欢迎”。


The humour derived from Obama's choice of attire almost threatened to overshadow the news that the president did not have a developed strategy yet on how to deal with Isis militants, months after their advances in Iraq and Syria and following the execution of US journalist James Foley.大家对奥巴马浅色西装的注意和调侃,很有可能使发布会的内容受到忽略。对于恐怖组织ISIS近几个月在伊拉克和叙利亚的暴行以及斩首美国记者詹姆斯·弗雷的残忍行为,奥巴马在谈及该如何应对ISIS时,并未给出成熟的战略计划。


Obama: "We don't have a strategy yet" on what color suit I will wear tomorrow—Andrew Katz (@katz) August 28, 2014奥巴马的“我们还没有计划”其实是在说我还没有计划好明天要穿什么颜色的西装。----安德鲁·凯兹8月38日在推特上发布。


Back in February, Business magazine Fast Company highlighted a 2012 Vanity Fair interview with Obama: “You’ll see I wear only gray or blue suits,” he (Obama) said. “I’m trying to pare down decisions. I don’t want to make decisions about what I’m eating or wearing. Because I have too many other decisions to make.”今年2月份,美国商业杂志《Fast Company》刊登了奥巴马2012年接受《名利场》采访的一段话。“你们会看到我将只穿灰色或蓝色的西装。”奥巴马说,“我会尽量减少需要做出选择的数量。我不想把时间花在选择每天吃什么和穿什么上面,因为我得考虑其他更重要的事情。”


Does that raise the possibility that Obama's decision-making briefly went askew and he over-thought his choice of suit rather than deciding on what course of action to take with regard to Isis? Most probably not, but Obama's beige suit did offer some light relief.这是否意味着奥巴马“食言”并且搞反了自己的决策顺序,把更多的时间花在了考虑自己的穿着而不是该对ISIS采取哪种行动的问题上。当然事实很可能不是这样的,但是奥巴马的浅黄色西装的确提供了不少笑料。


Anyway, it is not the first time a US politician has had the audacity to venture out into the fashionable wilderness and where a lighter shade of suit.不管怎样,奥巴马并不是美国政客中第一个敢于“追求时尚”穿浅色西装的人。


Congressman John Dingell, a Democrat representing Michigan's 12th district, tweeted a picture of himself wearing a taupe suit to defend the Commander in Chief.国会议员、代表密歇根12街区的民主党候选人乔治·丁格尔就在推特上发布了一张自己曾经身穿浅色西装的照片来支援总统。

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奥巴马遭遇西装门 美媒称其穿傻帽西装-奥

↑图:奥巴马遭遇西装门 美媒称其穿傻帽西装-奥

奥巴马遭遇西装门 美媒称其穿傻帽西装_时尚

↑图:奥巴马遭遇西装门 美媒称其穿傻帽西装_时尚

奥巴马遭遇西装门 美媒称其穿傻帽西装_时尚

↑图:奥巴马遭遇西装门 美媒称其穿傻帽西装_时尚

奥巴马遭遇西装门 美媒称其穿傻帽西装_时尚

↑图:奥巴马遭遇西装门 美媒称其穿傻帽西装_时尚



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