【WOT】坦克世界LOD解说 92炸穿地球
…this time from WoT-News and in a new post, because I hate backediting the old ones.
Regarding the armor changes: the upper frontal plate became a solid 102mm plate and the “bonus armor” was replaced by a second plate of spaced armor, like this:
And the model:
↑图:国战模式预览 各系列优势简析_巴士坦
↑图:火力升级 查狄伦 25t中型坦克_坦克世界_wot_
↑图:WOT地图战略思路分析: 安斯克夺旗场_坦克世
↑图:新科全能王 WOT中国重坦虐敌如割草_坦克世
↑图:ers Edition Chevrolet Camaro - Motor Trend WOT
↑图:WOT中俄大战 14日赛事前瞻 明争?暗斗?_坦克
↑图:重现铁十字的光芒 新版今日上线! - 官
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